Review: The Epicurean by Douglas Laing

Epicurean BottleInfo: So I’ve been a bit lax and naughty for not reviewing this sooner, sorry Douglas Laing! Anyway, the press release information for this was posted on my site a while back, and available here. It’s the last of the company’s Remarkable Regional Malts collection, and in this release features just lowland malts in the blend. It’s 46.2%abv, unchillfiltered and uncoloured. Perfect.

Colour: Light straw, very natural. Great oily legs produced.

Nose: Much more buttery than I expected, creamy buttery malt. Fairly powerful if you inhale too deeply. Slight metallic notes. Medium sweetness with some fruity tones (peach?).

Palate: Up front malty grassy tones, followed up with the lashings of buttery cream, and more spices than you’d have imagined just by the nose alone; it’s nicely balanced however, the spices really pep it up. Good balanced sweetness.

Finish: The finish leaves the spices and younger oak notes in your mouth and on your palate, also the metallic notes. On your chest it’s a little warming and not overly long.

Thoughts: It’s a mix between easy drinking lowland style, yet with enough grunt from the proper ABV and spices to make it more interesting than you’d have maybe imagined, although it’s a Douglas Laing production, so it’d never be boring would it! 🙂

Available: Master of Malt – £34.30

Extra: It’s summer! And maybe you don’t just want short shots of whisky all the time, they’re more a wintery drink I guess. So (as prompted by Douglas Laing in the pack they sent below) why not make a long cocktail, much better! The suggestion here is lots of ice, ginger beer, bitters and Epicurean… perfect mix for a summers evening!

Thanks to Douglas Laing for sending me the sample and goodies!

Epicurean Samples

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